General news and announcements

80th Annual Holy Convocation

"These are the feasts of the Lord which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations…" Leviticus 23:37 All are plan to attend! To Join the 7:30 p.m. Nightly Services, Click the Following Livestream Links below:\mtcalvaryholy For More Information Call (202) 635-0362 or (202) 359-6631

80th Annual Holy Convocation2024-07-13T20:54:56-04:00

How Can I Feel Safe to Attend?

QUESTION: Once it has been declared by the Centers by Disease Control and Prevention (or the CDC) and our local government that COVID-19 is no longer a health threat to society, how can I feel safe to attend large Church services or church gatherings?    ANSWER:  Although Mt. Calvary has reopened for in-sanctuary services [...]

How Can I Feel Safe to Attend?2020-10-15T11:31:45-04:00
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