Worship With Us
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM | In Sanctuary & Zoom
Meeting ID: 533-539-6057 Password: Pls email info@mtcalvaryholy.org

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Weekly Bible Studies
Tue @7pm & Thu @ 8pm on ZoomBible Studies Tues & Thur
Join Us Tues @ 7PM & Thur @ 8PM
PASSWORD: Please email
DIAL IN: (617) 829-6172

Friday Night Prayer
9:00pm Via ZoomFriday Night Prayer
Join Us Fridays @ 9PM
PASSWORD: Please email
DIAL IN: (617) 829-6172
End of Public Health Emergency
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [...]
Staying Spiritually Connected During COVID-19
QUESTION: How do I stay spiritually connected to the [...]
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End of Public Health Emergency
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the District of Columbia Government, Thursday, May 11, 2023, marked the end of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration. Therefore, at the Mt. Calvary Holy Church of Deliverance, masks, face coverings, temperature monitoring, and social distancing are no longer required. However, while the mask mandate has been lifted, please respect the choice of others who still wish to wear a mask and social distance whether it is here at Calvary, any business or community establishments, or other religious organizations that still require masks for visitors within their facility.
Please continue to join the virtual bible study classes and in-sanctuary worship services as you are advised. I also encourage you to stay connected to our Savior through prayer, fasting, scripture reading, and devotion as He continues to heal our land. I will inform you of any worship services and schedule changes. In the meantime, I am praying as I closely monitor future COVID guidance received from the CDC as communicated through our local government and will keep you informed of any necessary changes.
Remember, if you feel ill, please stay at home.
God bless you and your family!

Bishop Emerson L. Brockington, Sr.
Presiding Prelate
“I first visited and later joined Mt. Calvary as a result of what I had heard about the Church from a relative. Not only is Mt. Calvary a wonderful place to give worship and praise unto our Savior, it is also a place where I have grown in the faith and in the knowledge of His Word. ”
“I have watched Bishop’s life after the preaching is done. Bishop holds himself accountable to the same Word that he teaches the people of God. For this reason, I follow his faith which is his teaching of the Word of the Lord. ”
“The worship experience is just awesome… you can feel the presence of the Lord. After coming to Mt. Calvary a few times, I decided to bring my children because I wanted to grow up in that atmosphere. ”